Cold and cough
Respiratory & ENT Care
Taleesadi Choornam 65gms
- Cures throat infection
- Cures cough and cold
- Fights bacterial infections
Taleesadi Choornam 1kg
- Cures throat infection
- Cures cough and cold
- Fights bacterial infections
Sithopaladi Choornam 65gms
- Cures dry cough
- Enhances the respiratory system
- Relieves uneasiness in the chest
Sithopaladi Choornam 1 kg
- Cures dry cough
- Enhances the respiratory system
- Relieves uneasiness in the chest
Chyavanaprash Lehyam 200gms
- Boosts the immune system
- Cures cough and cold
- Enhances the respiratory system
Chyavanaprash Lehyam 500gms
- Boosts the immune system
- Cures cough and cold
- Enhances the respiratory system
Cold Guard Capsules
- Strengthen your lungs from breathing-related issues.
- Natural protection for your nose and lungs.
- Breathe easier with the help of Cold Guard.
Karna Bindu Ear Drops - 10ml
- Fights bacterial infection in ears.
- Provides relief from ear pain.