First ever Awards for AYUSH Fraternity
Vamsha Vaidyas
Coming Soon

Date to be announced soon
Time: 10 AM onwards
Venue to be announced shortly
Vamsha Vaidya Awards
On the heels of 150 years of legacy in Ayurveda and Siddha medical Practitioners, Dr Jayashree, Chairman & Managing Director, Shree Ayurveda Multi Speciality Hospitals, takes pleasure in inviting you to the inaugural Vamsa Vaidya Awards– the first of its kind event in this space.
Vamsa Vaidhya Awards is a platform to recognize excellence in the Ayurvedic healthcare space, especially in Ayurveda and Siddha. This includes Lineage practitioners, clinics and pharma manufacturers in the Ayurvedic & Siddha healthcare space. Rather than being elitist, these awards are designed to engage the Ayurveda and Siddha communities and bring all the stakeholders together on a common platform.
Why ?
Over the past few years, Ayurveda & Siddha is on the path of claiming their glory of ancient wisdom when the Government of India established the AYUSH ministry in 2014 with a vision of reviving the profound knowledge of our ancient medicinal systems and ensuring the optimal development and propagation of AYUSH Healthcare systems.
The Ayurvedic Healthcare ecosystem also progressed from a niche activity accessible to very few to a rapidly growing alternate medicine stream that not only has spawned world-class solutions to modern-day lifestyle ailments (and COVID-induced medical practice) but has broad-based into Neo Normal conditions that intend to solve the entire family healthcare issues.
These Vaidyas are passionate learners and teachers (gurus) of this Vedic Science who have the wherewithal and are spending serious efforts passionately – and the patients are influential and loyal.
Over the years highly devoted & engaged families of Ayurvedic & Siddha Health care and pharma business communities have mushroomed all over the country and today every major city has not one but many renowned Ayurveda & Siddha practitioners, supported by strong manufacturers and pharmacist ecosystems,
Manufacturers of this Vedic Healthcare ecosystem too are offering a wide range of products in the space. Be it a regular immunity-boosting OTCs or a Skin care product that will surely see serious remedies, today almost every manufacturer boasts of at least a couple of serious prescription medicines in their portfolio, while small manufacturers are gearing up for a concerted push into this segment. Ally that with specialized Vedic Medicine practitioners introducing new medicines for lifestyle alignments that include Diabetics and highly specialized medicine like Cancer, catering to the demands of an increasingly informed audience and you have the makings of a segment that is set to explode.
Indians are again getting serious about their medical systems. Not only are Ayurveda & Siddha Medicinal practitioners going out of their way in their practice by putting together therapy of varying degrees of the cure for their customers, but we now also have world-class Ayurvedic / AYUSH events being staged in the country.
Introducing the first VAMSA VAIDYA AWARDS – designed to recognize and award excellence in this Vedic Healthcare segment.
Involving the community
The idea behind holding the VAMSA VAIDYA AWARDS alongside the Vedic Medicine practitioners in a small EXPO is to bring together the entire community. A panel of eminent experts has chosen the categories, nominees, and finalists and the Awards themselves will be presented by eminent personalities in the Vedic Healthcare space. These are people who walk the talk: people who trust this science in consulting, following and practising the Vedic Healthcare of Ayurveda and Siddha.
Shree Ayurvedic Multi-specialty hospitals under the leadership of Dr Jayashree D have put together this concept.
Ayurveda for All! is the theme of the Vamsa Vaidhya Awards 2023 as well as the exhibition. We hope you will come in to witness the new beginning at the venue itself.
Recognizing excellence in
- Lineage Vedic Health Care Practitioners (Vamsa Vaidya’s)
- Clinics in Vedic Healthcare space
- Researchers & Manufacturers of Vedic Medicines
Event details
N Meenakshisundaram
Sunder Thiyagarajan +919922325912
Prakash Sankaranarayanan
Arun Sridhar +919884393766